&hint1=This piece is from the Aztec period, circa 1500 CE& &hint2=My name means "he who makes things grow"& &hint3=The most common article on which my image was imposed was a vessel that could hold water& &hint4=I am the Aztec rain god& &choices=Fudo Myo-o;Mask of Tlaloc;Female figurine found at Dolci;Bodhisattva Kuan-yin of the South Seas;Dismemberment of the Moon Goddess, Coyolxauhqui;Coatlicue& &answer=Mask of Tlaloc& &search=Mask Tlaloc& &title=Mask of Tlaloc, from Templo Mayor, Mexico& &artist=& &medium=Painted terracotta vessel& &date=Aztec period, c.1500 CE& &location=Museo del Templo Mayor, Mexico City& &dimensions=1'1 1/4" x 1' 5/8" x 1' 5/8"&